Gradiant develops technologies to provide solutions to companies in the retail, marketing and production, creation and dissemination of audiovisual content markets. The technologies Gradiant developes focus on capturing and processing information to improve processes and results of companies involved in these markets.

Gradiant has technologies for the detection and the profiling of customers based on wireless technologies, biometric recognition and semantic analysis. Gradiant’s Multimedia Analysis technologies can classify audiovisual content, scenes or people, and recognize and identify the reactions of users to advertising or to certain products. By applying data analytics on large volumes of data, our technologies can discover hidden patterns and help companies draw valuable conclusions.

What does Gradiant has to offer to these sectors?

  • Biometric face identification, voice and handwritten signature on mobile devices
  • Demographic classification of audiences and public for marketing and retail
  • Natural language processing (NLP) for analysis of opinion and interaction with customers
  • Data Analytics for digital marketing, customer profiling and target audiences
  • Affective Computing