10 key factors to the Smart Industry

We are immersed in an environment in which we continually hear about Industry 4.0 and the application of technologies such as IoT or Artificial Intelligence to solve multiple problems and use cases that may arise in a manufacturing environment. Typical examples may be defect reduction and prescription of industrial process parameters, logistics optimization, or even […]

NB-IoT: the revolution of connected world

Connectivity is one of the main challenges for IoT devices and narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) is a technology that allows us to connect devices we use everyday to the Internet, devices that require small amounts of data to be sent very infrequently, like a few times a day.

5 Cybersecurity trends everyone is talking about after RSA 2018

Last week San Francisco’s Moscone Center hosted the world’s largest professional meeting on ICT security. More than 45,000 expert and visitors attended the RSA Conference 2018 to learn about new policies, practices, advances and technological solutions that are being developed to deal with current challenges facing the sector and to anticipate future ones. As it […]