computación confidencial y entorno seguros de datos

How to Protect Our Data in a Digital World

Los TEEs, o Entornos de Ejecución de Confianza, son dispositivos que se destacan por una característica única: contienen un área segura aislada dentro del procesador principal. Esta área garantiza la confidencialidad e integridad de los datos y el código que residen en ella, incluso en sistemas comprometidos.

europe data spaces

Data space resources you should not miss

We’ve explained what data spaces and organizations are before in this blog… Now, we continue the discussion on this topic to give you an overview of the technical resources available to develop a data space claim with the specifications issued by the four key organizations for the implementation of the data economy envisioned by the […]

Empleo TIC en Galicia y cómo atraemos talento en Gradiant

Boosting IT employment in Galicia

According to the Observatorio da Sociedade da Información e a Modernización de Galicia, in 2022 there were more than 3,000 technology companies in Galicia. This figure places the community in fifth place in the country. Another highlight of the same report is the gross value added, which exceeded 1,740 million euros, representing almost 3% of […]

Cartera digital de Gradiant creada en el proyecto Impulse

Transforming public services in Europe with eID (I)

Author: Alicia Jiménez González, Manager of the European Project Office This text was originally published in the Autumn 2023 edition of EU Research journal   The Covid-19 pandemic revealed that public administration relies too heavily on paper identification and in-person checks to authenticate someone to receive a service, either by sending copies of identification, or […]

Jean Jennings Bartik

Women in Technology: Jean Jennings Bartik

In this new entry Women in Technology we are going to talk about Jean Jennings Bartik and her professional career as another example of the gender gap that has existed in the field of technology for decades. To do so, we will go back to the presentation of the ENIAC, considered the first fully electronic […]