Jean Jennings Bartik

Women in Technology: Jean Jennings Bartik

In this new entry Women in Technology we are going to talk about Jean Jennings Bartik and her professional career as another example of the gender gap that has existed in the field of technology for decades. To do so, we will go back to the presentation of the ENIAC, considered the first fully electronic […]

GRD Tech: Towards a quantum technology useful for Industry

  Quantum technology is one of the areas with the greatest potential for growth. Although its development and use is still in its incipient stage, the possibilities and solutions it will provide are still unimaginable. Andrea Rodríguez Blanco, head of quantum technologies at Gradiant, shares in this GRD Tech a very clarifying simile: just as […]

21st century Women Technologists: Xunqueira Ézara

Xunqueira Ézara is from Redondela (Pontevedra). After some time working hard in several projects, she has proven to be a key player in her team. Her colleagues highlight both, her sense of humour and her work capacity, as well as being really competent in the field. Xunqueira studied Aerospace Engineering at UC3M, in order to […]

#WeAreCommitment: SDG 2030, a decade for action

In the series #WeAreCommitment, we’re talking about how the work we do every day at Gradiant contributes directly to reducing poverty and hunger, improving healthcare, creating new jobs, mitigating climate change, improving energy efficiency and making cities and communities sustainable.