• Title Al redgio 5.0: Regions and (E)DIHS Alliance for AI-at-the Edge adoption by European Industry 5.0 Manufacturing SMES
  • Consortium Ethniko Kentro erevnas Kai Technologikis; Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur foerderung Derangewandteb Forschung E.V; Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovaçao Consultadoria Empresarial e fomento da Inovaçáo sa Anaptyxis; Hafenstorm AS; Nydor Systimata Technologies Anonymos Etairia; Syddansk Universitet; Oulun Yliopisto; Nibio -Norsk Institutt for BiookonomiI; Norges Teknisk - Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu; Aristotelio Panepistimio thessalonikis; Trailog; Eclipse Foundation europe GMBH; Splorotech S.L.U; Bavenir SRP; Farmb Digital Agriculture Private Company; Arhus Universitet; University of Lincoln ; Anysolution SL; Mallorcan New Potatoes SAT; Cooperativa Agrícola San Bartolomé, SCL.
  • Funds Horizon Europe (HE)
  • Opening / Ending January 2023 / December 2025

AI REDGIO 5.0 Innovation Action developed a virtuous alliance between Regions, DIHs, AI solution providers and Manufacturing SMEs, which is materialised by a new methodology for DIHs service portfolio and customer journey analysis, an AI4EU -oriented toolkit of Data and AI resources, a network of Didactic Factories and their TEchnology and REgulatory SAndboxes (TERESA) and an ecosystem of SME-driven experiments and their Digital Transformation pathways. It is time now to align such important outcomes to the evolution of Manufacturing towards Industry 5.0, the evolution of cloud AI Technologies to AI-at-the-Edge, the evolution of H2020 to Horizon and Digital Europe programmes e.g. to EDIH, Data Spaces and AI TEFs (Testing and Experimentation Facilities) for Manufacturing.

      Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor HaDEA can be held responsible for them. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101092069