Denomination SILVA
Duration 2015 - 2017
Parthers A consortium of 4 companies, led by Cotesa
SILVA project aims to develop a new forest monitoring technology solution that facilitates and improves the management of large forest areas. SILVA is part of the discipline known as Precision Forestry, since it introduces ICT tools to obtain relevant information about forest health. The proposed solution is based on the use of a new on-‐board multispectral vision system in UAV with embedded preprocessing for the extensive measurement of parameters directly related to tree health (defoliation, emission of Volatile Organic Compounds or water stress, among others). SILVA also introduces the combined use of geographic information tools and artificial intelligence to support forest management. SILVA addresses not only the development of the sensor system, but also the associated management software and the ground-‐air communications system, which will support the remote control of the UAV and the transmission of a set of vectors of characteristics representative of the acquired images.