Lenght Sep 2013 – Dic 2014
Coordination Coremain
Partners Coremain, TRC, Bastet, Retegal
Gradiant Role Subcontratado por todos los socios
Funding Programa FEDER-Innterconecta Galicia 2012, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Gradiant Staff Luis Pérez Freire, Raquel Dosil, José Antonio Artolazábal, Hugo García-Pardo
VIDEOGUARD is focused on the development of an intelligent video analytics platform specially adapted to maritime environments, and in particular, to the surveillance of coastal areas for the prevention and law enforcement of illegal fishing and shellfish harvesting. Besides, the project will try to test the viability of a long range surveillance deployment, which allows taking advantage of currently available infrastructure for the reduction of economic risks.
The main technological goal is the research and development of the project is the research and development of analysis algorithms adapted to natural environments, and especially to ground-based surveillance of marine and coastal environments, having into account the great variability of the environment and the low resolution of the objects in the image. This will require research and develop new algorithms for detection, classification and tracking of objects in video, suitable for the specific case of boats and people in these scenarios.Since poaching very commonly occurs at night or in low visibility conditions due to low light or adverse weather conditions, these algorithms will be based on the use of thermal infrared sensors.