• Title Virtualización Eficiente de Operadores 5G
  • Consortium Cellnex, Optare
  • Partners GRADIANT, UVIGO
  • Funding PID CDTI
  • Opening / Ending June 2017 / June 2019

VEO5G proposes a proof of concept for multi-tenancy mobile network virtualization in a scenario where an infrastructure provider is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the physical infrastructure and multiple operators deploy virtual instances of the network elements. In this scenario traditional OSS tools become even more relevant as it increases the complexity of these deployments. Likewise, business support tools must also be adapted to this new scenario, since potential virtual operators will not be attached to the traditional profile; new operators focused on businesses/vertical sectors with flexible requirements that accept dynamic provision of network services, even to the point of being able to dynamically contract resources. The scope of the project involves: – Analyze the viability of an scenario with a single physical infrastructure shared by multiple virtual operators. – Create a platform to deploy multiple virtual operators sharing the same physical resources, and that serves as a basis, in future work, to experiment with the new possibilities that this model opens up. Gradiant will bring its expertise in data analytics and network monitoring and optimization in 5G technologies. Will participate in the design of the tools to optimize the allocation of resources to the different virtual operators. He will also be responsible for implementing prototypes in a proof of concept to test these tools .