• Duration 2009 - 2011
  • Partners Gigle Semiconductor, S.L., Gradiant, Fundació TCM Audiovisual
  • Funding Entities Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Plan Avanza I+D, Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio dentro del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011

GIGACONNECTIVITY Lab aims to solve the growing need to equip, industry, application developers and Spanish and European research centers, with a scalable testing system, in the area of telecommunications, Internet of the future and new technologies in a way that is accessible to the financial and technological capabilities of industry, application developers and research institutes. The main objective is to create a Laboratory Federation which will offer an interconnected realistic environment for emulation and testing that will permit faithfully reproducing the characteristics of the different application scenarios of Gigaconectividad’s new technologies at a local level. The laboratory’s interconnection will offer a unified service for industry and research centers. The test scenario will be remotely configurable and accessible and reflect the different aspects of the subject sites, as well as network infrastructure (even telephone, electricity, coaxial …) commonly found in them and signs that interact within. The underlying idea is to generate a testing ground for the development of new products, applications and services in the field of home networks for telecommunications. It’s designed as an open solution, where third parties-specially companies-may undertake their own development. As a result, new test and validation methods can be used, reducing time and cost required from when a new item or service is validated in a research laboratory until their result is applicable in real environments. The scenarios which will be covered in this project, are mainly in the home setting (In-Home) and can reach out and find applicability in larger scale environments such as hotels, hospitals and museums (In-Building). The result obtained will be applicable, on the one hand, for manufacturers, which may make use of an environment in which to test their developments, ensuring compatibility with other equipment or its proper functioning in realistic and reliable scenarios. On the other hand, developers of services and applications will have a constrained environment and real components, which enables to perform advanced stages of validation and to facilitate the inclusion and active participation of the new roles outlined in the Internet paradigm of future (user users and content producers) in these phases. Furthermore the knowledge, of the studied scenarios obtained during the development of this project will lead to new solutions and improvements in the field of home network, allowing to overcome some of the current limitations of technologies in this area.