Title FACE IDNN, Sistema de verificación facial de documentos de identidad
Consortium GRADIANT
Opening / Ending March 2016 / September 2018
FaceIDNN is a face verification system for identity documents capable of managing a highly concurrent number of users remotely and securely from a mobile device, tablet or PC. In order to achieve a highly secure remote process, it is essential to develop a facial recognition system that allows comparison between the user’s face and the photo of his/her ID. Stage face verification of identity is very complex, as multiple factors come into play, such as changes in appearance over time or poor quality of the images. This is where our facial recognition technology based on Deep Learning and our industry experience will bring significant value to the product. Our extensive experience in the market verification of mobile devices has enabled us not only to know the sector, but also to develop our own technology adapted to this environment. Proof of this is the life verification technology included in the project, which will provide the ability to detect phishing attacks using photographs, videos or other more sophisticated techniques. We also have ability to retrain and optimize the verification of identity documents continuously.
Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN).