Gradiant researchers enjoy a creativity day with Terras Gauda’s researchers

In the innovation world, no matter the area: the creativity is always something basic and it can be teached and formalized. Imagination is the basis in problem solving. Gradiant researcher have shared a different day with Bodegas Terras Gaudas’s researchers, in a pioneering initiative in Galicia.Following the creativity stimulation, motivation and work in creative environment philosophy, Gradiant has organized, together with Bodegas Terras Gauda, a knowledge exchange day between different fields researchers. The researchers left their office without knowing the destination, to the Bodegas Terras Gauda, to participate in a day to learn how to develop and to focus their creativity, supported by their colleagues from the winery.

Telecommunications and the wine world seem, at first glance, two totally opposite worlds, but the reality is that in each one a significant dose of work and research and, above all, creativity and imagination is required.

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