El proyecto PROSSAE se propone como un estudio e integración de las distintas tecnologías audiovisuales que permiten conocer los aspectos emocionales y de personalidad de los individuos. El proyecto permitirá ahondar en el conocimiento de los retos existentes dentro de este campo a todos los niveles: modelado de características (rasgos de personalidad, estado emocional); adquisición […]

Probador virtual de gafas

Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de aplicaciones interactivas basadas en la detección y el seguimiento de la mirada. A través de la extracción de características faciales, mediante procesado de imagen, es posible determinar de forma precisa la dirección de la mirada. Concretamente, se ha optado por el uso de los denominados Active Appearance […]


El objetivo general de PRISMED es la generación de nuevas tecnologías criptográficas avanzadas para aumentar la confiabilidad en las infraestructuras y servicios de e-Salud, así como para posibilitar el uso de potentes herramientas de externalización de datos y procesado, como la computación Cloud, de una forma segura y fiable en servicios de e-Salud. Para ello, […]


Este proyecto tiene dos objetivos diferenciados, ambos en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al mundo del libro Por un lado, se trata de diseñar y desarrollar una herramienta para la personalización de ilustraciones de libros mediante procesado facial automático, que preserve el estilo de un ilustrador en concreto, y que sea fácilmente adaptable […]

Plataforma de Servicios IPTV

This project, in collaboration with Arantia 2010, pursues the design and development of a complete multimedia platform for the distribution of IP services in hospitality environments, such as hotels, residential areas, hospitals, etc. In addition to video-on-demand, other possible services are ambient music, e-commerce, news or room e-service. The project covers the complete hardware and […]


ONDADA (research and development for AIS extension) is a project co-funded by  FEDER  through the Innterconecta  program, which was approved and kicked off in 2012. AIS (Automatic Identification System) allows ships exchange basic information such as speed and position with other ships and shore stations. The main objective in ONDADA is to increase the coverage […]


The objective of MIND-GAP 5 is to develop the copyright in the multimedia distribution technologies, to be transferred through the value chain of Galician companies. In Galicia there are content producers, software developer, integrator companies… Specifically, this Project is looking for contributions in technologies to allow adapt the contents to access and distribution networks, to […]


The Avanza Lobin Project is focused on the sensor network applicability in security environments; this project completes other Gradiant projects in the search for the consolidation of excellence networks about sensor networks theme, like REEFS. Potentially, this project can pave the way to sensor networks based on exportable products. The objectives of the project are […]


Investigación de las técnicas para poder acercar la imformación necearia para los KPIs (Identificadores de desempeño) de interés dentro de los procesos de negocio incluídos en los sistemas gestionados (SaaS) de forma que el cliente pueda tener la confianza de que el servicio que está recibiendo está dentro de los parámetros incluídos en los SLA […]


The goal of this project, in collaboration with Optare Solutions, is the simplification of provisioning processes, regarding tasks that are external from the operator’s perspective. For this purpose, the project will homogenize processes and entities, identifying the best models for their integration with efficient provision mechanisms at reasonable costs. The results will be outsourced as […]


The main objective of InterAds (Interactive Advertising) is the development of an interactive advertising platform that gives rise to the creation of new advertising content. On this platform, interaction with potential consumers is done through intelligent video processing. More specifically, the system must: Detect the presence of people in the environment. Sort demographic audiences with […]


Technology is an indispensable tool for disabled people, enabling them to perform tasks that previously they could not. As a result, they are among its most loyal users. However, technology itself is also raising barriers to being used by those who have physical limitations, mental or sensory impairment, thus affecting the full social integration of […]