The main objective of the Vixia Project is to solve the problem of automatic facial recognition in highly complex scenarios such as access control at events with a large number of attendants, which demand top security measures because of the institutional character of the event, the attendance of personalities, or a high risk of intrusion. […]


En el ámbito de la biometría en general, y en la facial en particular, no es habitual disponer de modelos matemáticos adecuados que permitan seleccionar métodos óptimos para comparación y clasificación. Uno de los objetivos principales de este proyecto es precisamente ahondar en los fundamentos técnicos del reconocimiento de caras para alcanzar mejoras sustanciales en […]


The main goal of this project, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the INNPACTO 11 subprogram, is the development of a smart viewer for multimedia interactive applications oriented to Cloud Computing. The system includes a cloud repository with common rich desktop applications. These applications are executed on powerful cloud servers,in a […]


Terrae project intends to design and validate an integral system to provide satellite access to TDT channels in those locations without terrestrial coverage. The satellite signal must be used exclusively by those households which cannot get the TDT signal by terrestrial broadcasting means. Terrae main goal is the development of a tool to extract the […]


The SmartED project, supported by the technological fund of CDTI, Spain, addresses the research in technologies to characterize and predict the activity of emergency medical services in real time, as a starting point to develop multiple applications in this field. Furthermore, it comprises the design of nomadic technologies to enable rich applications to follow the […]

Sensing BTS

This project is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the INNPACTO subprogram. The goal of the project is to provide the global market with a GSM signal sensor based on software defined radio (SDR), to be carried in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). It will combine the capabilities of a GSM base […]


In the physical security field, Gradiant has established a collaborative venture with the company Bastet Ingeniería, to launch the project entitled Save: “Advanced System for Efficient Video Surveillance using Graphics Processing Units”. Although this research avenue has received great input in the last few years, current video surveillance systems still present many weaknesses, such as […]


El proyecto Safecloud (Seguridad y privacidad con Tecnologías de Procesado Cifrado en Cloud Computing) ofrece una solución de privacidad para Cloud que no exija confianza en el proveedor de servicios empleando procesado en el dominio encriptado. El resultado será un conjunto de primitivas seguras implementadas de forma distribuída, de modo que, de forma transparente para […]


Current spectrum saturation requires the use of efficient schemes for monitoring the spectral activity, thus making dynamic allocation strategies possible. Likewise, signal detection and classification is also appealing for the control of illegal transmissions in those bands requiring authorization. On the other hand, the use of a distributed set of sensors increases the detection reliability […]


Monitorización simultánea y a largo plazo de las variaciones temporales y espaciales de la presencia y abundancia relativa de murciélagos fuera de sus refugios y de las variables que pueden explicarlas, a través del uso de redes de sensores inalámbricas, sensores de ultrasonidos y la localización geográfica en cada instante de cada punto de muestreo. […]